** I'm currently not updating this as much as I should. I will, however, try to update this page as much as possible. I have a separate, more up-to-date blog on giveaways, so if you'd like to be linked, e-mail me your interest! :)
My Giveaways:
Giveaways around the Blogosphere!
Win The Other Side of Dark at Fragments of Life (1/1)
$45 CSN Gift Certificate at Musings of a YA Reader (1/9)
Book Swarm's Reading Resolution Giveaway (1/9)
Suko's Notebook's Reading Resolution Giveaway (1/9)
Icey Book's Reading Resolution Giveaway (1/9)
My Bookish Ways' Reading Resolution Giveaway (1/9)
Laugh Love Write's Reading Resolution Giveaway (1/9)
Christmas Countdown: Day 14 at Amaterasureads (1/10)
New Year Resolution Giveaway at Girls Without a Bookshelf (1/12)
The Grimm Legacy at Musings of a YA Reader (1/14)
Top Ten Books Giveaway at A Life Bound By Books (1/18)
Dreaming of Books Giveaway at Eleusinian Mysteries (1/17)
Win a pre-order of Bumped at Thoughts of a Book Junky (2/1)
Win the entire Iron Fey series at A Myriad of Books (2/1)
100 Followers Contest (13 winners!!) at Oktopus Ink (2/7)
stephaniexoxo27 25p · 742 weeks ago