In General:
I’m still a very new blogger and therefore, a very inexperienced reviewer. However, I will do my best to put forth quality reviews. As of right now, my reviews will revolve solely on books I read leisurely – random books I have lying around the house, or from the library. I can only promote debut authors when I get a chance to buy the books, therefore I won't be posting reviews months in advance of released dates (unless I receive an ARC, which is highly unlikely this early on).
That being said, if you’re an author or publisher, I am more than happy to accept review copies or other variations of a book you would like to promote. Feel free to e-mail me, or ask me follow-up questions about my reviewing your book. I’m very open when it comes to reading and reviewing. I’m also willing to participate in interviewing authors and in hosting a few giveaways to further promote your book(s).
What You Can Expect From My Review: As I’m new to reviewing, I’m probably going to make my reviews more personal, as opposed to taking a critic stand-point. I'm not promising I'll be an expert at it. I will review the book once I’ve finished so that the book is fresh in my mind. My review will include publication details, a summary of the book (taken from the back flap or from Goodreads), what I thought about the book (what I liked, didn’t like, favorite scenes, etc.), a portion on the cover art, memorable quotes (if applicable), overall thoughts, and my personal rating of it. I will post my review on my blog, and sometimes on Goodreads.
I can’t promise that a review will be positive – I prefer giving an honest opinion on a book rather than spread false information on how I personally felt, and mislead others who may/may not be influenced by what I say. However, I will be fair with any book given to me for review and give it a chance, just like with any other book.
**Please note that I don’t generally like reading a book out of sequence. I can provide a review with higher quality if I was informed on the plot/events leading up to a book. If I was asked to review a second or third book in a series that I haven’t personally read, I might need to be provided with a copy of the prequels.
How Long Before My Review is Posted:
I can’t guarantee when a review will be posted. It will be very reliant on my free time. If I’ve accepted a book that’s an ARC, it will have priority over other books so that I can review it before (or after) the release date. Despite the priority I put on ARCs, I will still read and review other books as soon as I can get to it. It may take a day, a week, a month – it all just really depends. Just know that if I’ve been given a book for review, I will get a review posted.
Genres I read:
Fantasy, paranormal, science fiction, literary fiction, chick-lit, romance, historical fiction, medieval fiction and nonfiction.
Age Genre I usually read:
I mainly read Young Adult and Adult crossover, but I also read some Middle Grade books.
Genres I don’t usually read:
Non-fiction, biographies, thrillers (this one varies – it really depends on the book)
Types of books I accept for review:
ARCs, Published, manuscripts
Types of books I don’t accept for review:
If you’re interested in having me review a book for you, please feel free to contact me at frazzledbooknommer[at]gmail[dot]com.
I appreciate the interest you’ve shown in me and my blog. Thank you for your time! <3
Anita F. Venezia · 711 weeks ago