Thursday, January 6, 2011

Review: Unearthly by Cynthia Hand

Author: Cynthia Hand
Publisher: HarperTeen
Series: Unearthly #1
Pages: 435
Genre: Paranormal
Release Date: January 4, 2011
How Received: Netgalley

SummaryIn the beginning, there’s a boy standing in the trees...

Clara Gardner has recently learned that she’s part angel. Having angel blood run through her veins not only makes her smarter, stronger, and faster than humans (a word, she realizes, that no longer applies to her), but it means she has a purpose, something she was put on this earth to do. Figuring out what that is, though, isn’t easy.

Her visions of a raging forest fire and an alluring stranger lead her to a new school in a new town. When she meets Christian, who turns out to be the boy of her dreams (literally), everything seems to fall into place—and out of place at the same time. Because there’s another guy, Tucker, who appeals to Clara’s less angelic side.

As Clara tries to find her way in a world she no longer understands, she encounters unseen dangers and choices she never thought she’d have to make—between honesty and deceit, love and duty, good and evil. When the fire from her vision finally ignites, will Clara be ready to face her destiny?

My Thoughts:
Unearthly is my first angel novel, and I have to say that I picked a really good angel novel to come into.

Most of the book involves Clara’s day to day life, and her questions of the angel blood that resides within her. I loved that Unearthly blended in the normal with the paranormal so seamlessly. It added much more realism to the story overall. I, for one, was able to enjoy the scenes in school and in the cafeteria.

Clara was such an amazing character. She has one of the few first person perspectives that doesn’t make me want to rip my hair out. Not only is she logical and sound in most of her decisions, but she’s loyal to her friends and family, and she learns how to form her own opinions on things. She’s a believable teenager – she makes mistakes a couple of times, but she learns through them, and she has her own insecurities and doubts. She stood up to her fears, miniscule and big things alike, and constantly rose up to meet the taunts Tucker threw at her. Her character development was so exponential, and I found myself really enjoying reading about her.

The romance... Oh boy, the romance. The only other romance that had me feeling so sweet, giggly, and excited was Violet and Jay’s romance form The Body Finder. Coming from me, that is such huge praise. Clara and Tucker start off indifferent to each other. They mostly stay out of each others’ way. But then Tucker starts being “mean” to her, laying on the sarcasm very hard – typical grade school, poking-you-in-the-back boyish fashion. But Tucker himself wasn’t mean. He’s charming, witty, sarcastic, kind, loyal, and very gentlemanly. It was so easy to spot Tucker’s attraction to her, even though Clara couldn’t. Their romance developed over the course of the summer. It was sweet, it was languid, and it was amazing. I found myself falling in love with Tucker.

The writing in Unearthly was superb. I’m not even sure how to describe it as. It was easy to follow, very fluid, and had a conversational tone to it. It had a plethora of description, but that didn’t take away from the pacing of the plot. I’d turn a couple of pages and realize how much just actually transpired. The pacing was great – hardly anything lulled, and it kept my attention and before I knew it, I was finished!

That ending at the end seriously made me want more... now. It isn’t that cliffhangery, but there are a lot of questions posed and a blank slate in front of Clara now, so I’m curious to see where the next book goes with that! I’m eager to see what Clara does now, and to learn more about the angels Cynthia’s concocted for us.

Cover MusingsG-o-r-g-e-o-u-s. ‘Nuff said.

Memorable Quotes:
I also recorded my experiments, like the time I cut my forearm with a knife just to see if I would bleed (which I did, a lot) and carefully noted how long it took to heal (about twenty four hours, from when I made the cut to when the little pink line completely disappeared), the time I spoke Swahili to a man in the San Francisco airport (imagine the surprise for both of us), or how I could do twenty-five grand jetés back and foth across the floor of the ballet studio without getting winded. (pg. 16)
I stare at her in dismay. Mom has tried to teach me to fly exactly two times, and both were complete disasters. In fact, I’ve essentially given up on the idea of flight altogether and accepted that I’m going to be an angel-blood who stays earthbound, a flightless bird, like an ostrich maybe, or, in this weather, a penguin. (pg. 25)
I hope there aren’t any, oh I don’t know, forest fires before he gets back. But there can’t be, can there? The fire can’t take place unless he’s there, right? Is it possible to miss my purpose because my subject won’t cooperate? (pg. 158)
He shakes his head. “Your eyebrows. They’re, like, dark gold.”
“You’re staring at my eyebrows now?”
“I’m looking at you. Why are you always trying to hide how pretty you are?” (pg. 182)
“What do you see in a guy like Christian Prescott?” he asked me that night when he dropped me off from prom. And what he was really saying then, what would have come through loud and clear if I hadn’t been so blind was, Why don’t you see me? (pg. 183)
I sit up. Maybe I should have figured this out a long time ago. I shouldn’t have needed to read his heart in order to see it. But when I felt all that love rising up in him, I didn’t know I was inside his head. I didn’t notice that the feelings weren’t mine. And why is that?
It’s all me, the human part, the angel part. I love [him]. (pg. 200)
“Not red,” I say with a shrug.
“I always felt like there was something off about your hair.”
“So you thought you’d torture me by calling me Carrots?”
“I still thought I’d never seen anyone as beautiful as you.” He drops his head and rubs the back of his neck, embarrassed. He’s blushing. (pg. 205)
I love how he sometimes gets embarrassed by all the mushy stuff between us and then his voice gets all gruff and he tickles me or kisses me to shut us both up. Boy, do we ever kiss. We make out like champions. (pg. 206)
What can I say? Sorry, I know it seemed like I was crazy about you before, but that was before. I have a boyfriend now? You snooze you lose? (pg. 214)
Overall Thoughts/Final Comments: I had a hard time reviewing Unearthly because truly, how can I even begin to convey how amazing this book is? I don’t think I can; I don’t think I did. For a while, the “my thoughts” section only had “OMG THIS BOOK WAS SO AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”. No joke. But I figured none of you would appreciate such a short review, so I tried to get my act together. :P The characters in this book were great – I’d love having Clara, Angela, or Wendy as my friends – and the romance totally made me swoon. Almost as much as Violet and Jay’s romance in The Body Finder (again, that is HIGH praise, coming from me). It was addicting and just oh so good! I’m kind of upset that we have to wait so long for the second book. =(

Rating: 5/5

*This review was submitted in the 2011 Debut Author Challenge!
**I received a digital copy of Unearthly from the publisher via Netgalley. Thank you HarperTeen and Netgalley!

Comments (19)

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Great review. I love this book and it is the best angel theme one I have read. Love the quotes especially 'why are you always trying to hide how pretty you are?'
1 reply · active 741 weeks ago
It's my first angel book, so I can't really compare it to any others! But starting with Unearthly is a good and bad thing. Good, because it was so dang awesome. Bad, because I'll have higher standards for all other angel themed books. :P

I loved that quote too. :) Hell, most of my quotes were at the end with... you know who. I had to cut a lot of them out, though.
Do you know how BADLY I want to read this book? DO YOU KNOW?! Then you come along and post this review..... and poor me is sitting here pouting in despair because I don't have it yet. Oh why, dear world, whyyyy don't I have it yet? Oh. I'm broke and the still waiting on it at the library *sigh*

Okay, in all seriousness - WOW. Everyone is raving about this! Having just come from your WoW post and relived my love of The Body Finder, having you compare the romance to Jay and Violet is the cherry on top of an already delicious cake. With great difficulty I chose not to read the quotes, so I don't spoil anything. But I can't wait to read this! I love YA angel books and, you know, I wanna meet Tucker ;)
1 reply · active 741 weeks ago
LOL aww Brodie! *patpat* You know you can get it on Netgalley, yes? That's where I got my copy. :) My library never gets new releases early. I'd be waiting until like... June until it gets a copy of Unearthly.

But anyway. They're raving for good reason! Trust me! When one of the most notorious "haters" on Goodreads rates a book a four, it's a big deal, and she rated this a four. You probably would have spoiled something, so it's a good thing you didn't read them. :) Although, about 60% of my quotes were of the romance, haha. I couldn't help myself! Tucker is so... *swoon* 8)
I'm glad you mentioned Jay from Body Finder. I hadn't thought of it, but you're right--they remind me of one another! So secretly sweet and just NICE when it comes down to it. Love 'em both! This book was superb.
1 reply · active 741 weeks ago
Yay I'm glad someone agrees with my comparison! :) Jay and Tucker are seriously holding the numero uno spot in my heart right now. Ooh, can these boys make me swoon or what?! :)
Beautiful review Kristina! I saw this on the shelves at my B+N and the cover is so pretty. The reviews I've seen for this book are are really good and I need a copy:) I'm reading the body finder now, and I love the character interactions.
1 reply · active 741 weeks ago
Omgosh, I can't wait to see what you think of The Body Finder! It's one of my most recommended novels. :) And Unearthly is becoming another high recommend for me. You should definitely read it whenever you get the chance! If you love Violet and Jay's romance, you'll totally love the romance Clara has. :)
Fantastic review Kristina, you pretty much summed up all my thoughts on this one! I absolutely adored Clara, and Tucker was just too adorable for words. Their sarcastic but tension filled interactions had me going all girly:) I'm upset we have to wait so long for book 2 as well, but at least we'll have Jay in Desires of the Dead to hold us over!
1 reply · active 741 weeks ago
Haha Jenny, we have such similar thoughts on books anyway (well, mostly!), so that wasn't surprising. :) I swear, every time there was a scene with Tucker or he'd break out that dimpled grin, or he blushed, or whatever, I'd start squealing like a little girl. I'm a sucker for good romance. :)
Ugh, this book is staring at me from my shelf. I'm hearing so many good things about it, I'm really torn between which book to start now. XD

Great review! That cover is absolutely to die for, isn't it?
1 reply · active 741 weeks ago
It's telling you to read iiiit! Just like I am! :P You should start it, really! This book is great. Totally worth all the hype over it. :)
Great review. I'm really excited to read this one!
1 reply · active 741 weeks ago
Thanks for commenting! It's such a good book - it's quickly climbing my highest books to recommend ladder! :)
I'm trying to limit my paranormal intake this year but this sounds interesting! I always love a good romance - especially the ones that has you giggling to yourself. I am also relieved that the main character isn't annoying. A lot of the paranormal books I'm reading lately have been leaning towards whiny protagonists. *Shudder*. Haha, glad to know that you enjoyed this one. I just saw the actual cover of this book and it is so gorgeous! The pictures do not give it justice. I'm still thinking to myself, OMG another angel story, but we'll see.....

And to answer your question, I actually picked up a galley in the books bins at internship. I no longer intern at Scholastic though. :( Make sure to read the first book, Green Angel! They're both super short and amazing.
1 reply · active 741 weeks ago
UGH seriously. A lot of YA in general have whiny, self absorbed protagonists that make me want to bash my head in. Clara was such a refreshing contrast to all of those characters. I totally get the limiting paranormal intake thing, but trust me, if you had to read one paranormal book this year, Unearthly would be it. :) Actually, it isn't focused too much on the paranormal. Not yet, at least (I'm sure it'll be explored more in the future novels). It's more about Clara dealing with her day-to-day life and adjusting into her angel... dom.

Oh no! I'm sorry, I didn't know. :( I just assumed... Anyway, I definitely will! They sound really good! :)
I... need to read this. So badly.

(And, I'm sorry that the next part doesn't pertain to the post)

Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the stylish blogger award here over at my blog :)

- Chelsea @ Books Turn Brains
So glad to hear you enjoyed this book, l am reading it right now and loving it!
I've been super scared of angel books lately. It was really hard for me to even start Angelfire and that one isn't as much angel as I thought it would be. But, I'm glad you liked this. I guess I'll have to bump it up on my TBR. (the mountain that it is LOL!). Great review, I loved Jay and Violet. I actually kept going back to reread the scene where they get together, so I think that's where you sold me.

In the Closet With a Bibliophile

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