So, I've been taking it easy review-wise this week. I've been getting things ready for next week, because I won't be here, and have been particularly been lazy since Thanksgiving. Why?

I am a Thanksgiving baby. I was supposed to have been born on Thanksgiving in 1989, but apparently I didn't want to come out. So, Thanksgiving is my birthday every four years. It wasn't this year, of course. I think 2012 is the next one... ? Anyway.
For my birthday, I'm giving away a signed copy of The Scorch Trials by James Dashner. It was released last October 12, 2010 by Delacorte Press. Yep, one lucky person will win the sequel to The Maze Runner! If you haven't read the Maze Runner series, I highly recommend it. In fact, you can check out my review of The Maze Runner here. (Shameless advertising; it's my birthday, I can do what I want, right?) What the heck does The Scorch Trials have to do with my birthday, or any birthdays for that matter? Absolutely nothing. But it's a good book. ;)
Contest Rules:
- Only open to US/Canadian residents. Again, so sorry international folks - I'm way too poor to afford int. shipping. I'm so poor I can't even buy myself a celebratory drink for happy hour today. :(- No PO boxes, please.
- Giveaway ends December 11 at 11:59PM PST.
- Must, must fill out the form! While comments are appreciated (especially the "happy b-day" ones!), I won't accept entries made from the comments.
Required Extra Entries:
This one is SUPER easy. All you have to do to get an extra entry is wish me a happy birthday on the form under the designated box. Since I'm feeling particularly happy today, I might add a second extra entry with how creative/mushy you get. ;)Breaking it down in case I was confusing:
+1 Tell me happy birthday+2 Creatively or mushily (it's a word now, dangit!) tell me happy birthday. :P
Now, before you think I'm lame for asking that/making it required, know that I'll be completely and utterly alone on my birthday. My entire family abandoned me, haha. So, I'll be in my room, wishing I could afford a drink, singing, "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to..." Lonely bookish hermits need some b-day love, too!
Happy birthday Kristina!
Awww, you're not alone, Kristina!
You've got all your book blogging pals, especially me! Wishing you a happy, happy birthday :D
Your fellow book blogger,
Hafsah @ IceyBooks
Happy birthday! I can only wait till my 21st...Approximately 5 years away...Bah.
Anyways, hope you spend your birthday well and well, go do stuff you can now do legally! Heh.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTINA! Hope you have a fabulous day and enjoy yourself even though you're family's not there with you. All your blogger friends are here at least! And maybe take a trip to the bookstore:)
Happy Birthday!!
I have given you an award here! =]
Hope you have a great day!
Happy birthday, Kristina! I would SO enter your giveaway, but unfortunately, USPS won't deliver to my home address, so I'd have to use a PO Box haha no worries though! Good luck to all :)
Hope you have a nice birthday.
I just wanted to stop by and say Happy Birthday! May it be the best birthday and every year a better birthday! Take care!
Happy birthday!!! I hope you don't party too hard! ;)
Hi! I have an award for you here:
Happy birthday love! No need to enter me in the contest, I just wanted to stop by and say I hope you have a fantastic 21st! Go out and have fun! :)
I see you've been given two awards already so...Here's another one! I guess your really stalked :P
Again happy b-day!
Hey! I just wanted you to know that I gave you an award! haha, yes, another! You can view the details here:
And Happy Birthday!!
Happy belated birthday! Hope you had a great day :)
My 21st was uneventful. After years of underage drinking, it was just another day. I didn't even have any alcohol. Ho-hum. I DO remember that I ate blackberry pie with ice cream at a restaurant, which was a special treat because I was dirt poor. It was del-i-cious!
I hope you get your equivalent of blackberry pie this year. Happy Birthday!
Not entering in the contest, but stopping by to wish you a very very happy birthday! haha, remember I'm still older than you, okay? and no, I am not shutting down my blog, so don't panic anymore! YOU ARE OFFICIALLY LEGAL! CONGRATS!!!
Maligayang kaarawan (happy birthday in tagalog..language of the Philippines) Kristina!! Welcome to the Adult Club's pretty nice, you'll see. ~Have a fabulous and safe birthday year mi dear!!
Happy belated birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day and enjoy your twenties :)
Happy belated birthday!!!! Hope it was the best one yet!
Happy Happy Joy Joy!
Way to get older!
Happy Birthday dear!!
Happy late birthday! I tried to post before but I was doing it from my phone and i suppose it didn't work :P
I hope you had a wonderful day :)
BLARG, I can't believe I missed telling you happy birthday on YOUR BLOG. I know I told you happy birthday everywhere else online, but that doesn't matter. I'm not worthy to call myself your number one stalker. D: ANYWAY, EVENTHOUGHITSLIKEFOURDAYSLATE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :D
And holy crap! How'd you get a hold of a signed copy of The Scorch Trials? Emi wants~
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Remember that if you're entering for a giveaway or for whatever other reason, leave your e-mail in the following format: helloxthere[at]gmail[dot]com.
Thanks for stopping by! ♥