The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Jennifer @ Crazy-for-Books. It's a chance for book bloggers to interact, make new friends, and most importantly, share their love of books!
This week's question is:
What's your favorite beverage while reading or blogging, if any? Is it tea, coffee, water, a glass of wine, or something else?

Oh, also, I have this strange affinity for drinking cold Very Vanilla Soymilk while I write reviews. I didn't actually think of it until now (since I'm in the middle of writing one!), but I can't write a review without it! If I had anything to thank for inspiration for my reviews, it'd be a nice cold glass of Very Vanilla Soymilk! :)
While you guys are here, check out a guest post by Raven Corinn Carluk!
I've never had Silk. It's interesting how people develop habits like that without really noticing. Have a great weekend!
Sarah @ Loving Books
Happy HOP!! It's so funny you drink soy milk because I have such an aversion to it. I'm a little hesitant about sharing it BUT I can tell you it involves a very cute little lactose intolerant baby that could only drink soy who whenever they did their "business" would smell like the milk. Ugh I wanna gag as I type it. I should try it though, maybe hold my nose while I do it. Who knows it'll probably be my fave drink :)Anyway hope you have a fun fun fun weekend . thanks for stopping by.
Happy Book Hop , Im not one for Soy milk -i prefer my milk normal LOL.
Im a new follower
Hopping by to say hello ! I am an old follower. Have a great weekend!
My Hop
Thanks for stopping by!! :) I do like vanilla soy milk every once in a while, but mostly stick to regular "moo juice", as my friend calls it, hehe.
Also, love the name of your blog! Om nom nom!
Great-looking blog! Love the pic today! I may add a picture to my post today, to make it more interesting. I'm now a follower!
Thanks for visiting my blog. I absolutly love the title of your blog "the book Nommer". What a great title! you've got a follower out of me =) Have a great weekend.
I sometimes drink Orange Juice Flavored Soy Milk - It's juice and it's milk! - 'cause I don't really like the taste of milk except when I'm in the mood for it, so my mom started giving me ojfsm so I would get some calcium everyday. It's not bad, actually.
Happy Book Blog Hop!
Mmm, I think that might be the one and only soy milk (or rice milk, or almond milk, or you name it that's not actually milk milk) that I have yet to try. VERY vanilla's gotta be delish though! Happy hopping :)
I haven't tried that flavor soy milk but now I must :-)
I can't drink and blog - I'm afraid I'll spill my drink and fry the computer. Which is highly likely with my cat crawling around the desk while I'm typing.
Thanks for hopping by!
I’m already a follower… just hopping by to say hi!
Hey thanks for stopping by! Hope you have a great weekend.
Natalie :0)
cute blog!! It's good to find another T. Pierce fan.
Hi! I'm hopping on by! I have to say, I'm absolutely in LOVE with your header :D I personally can't stand soy milk, but cherry soda? Mmm, now there's a good habit.
Well, have a great weekend!
Izzy @ My Words Ate Me
PS: I'm a new follower!
Happy blog hopping! Thanks for the follow, I returned the favor. Most days I prefer staying home with a book too.
Hi, I am an old follower. Stopped onn the hop Vanilla SOy Milk, hmmmFangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
twitter: @fangswandsfairy
Thanks for stopping by today! Great comment on the soy milk :)... I'm a rice milk gal.
Have a great weekend!
ps: I'm a new follower too.
Hi, thanks for hopping by my blog! Now following you as well :) I enjoyed your review of Hex Hall - I can see why you'd keep picking up the book upside down, lol.
Hopping Time! Great Blog!!!
I love Silk! Especially with some Kahlua thrown in!!! =)
Happy Reading!
You know me :) I am already a devoted follower and love your blog!
I have never had soy milk before. I will have to try it sometime. I am a diet coke devotee! I need to rid myself of the addiction though.
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for hopping by my blog! I'm glad you did; otherwise, I wouldn't have been introduced to yours (the chances weren't good anyway - did you SEE that hop linky list?)
Anyway, have a great weekend.
@Belinda: Wow! I’ve never smelled a baby’s business after drinking soy. I don’t think I want to now! =s
@Phantom: Thanks for the follow! =D I like ‘em both – plain and soy! Best of both worlds!
@Misha: Thanks for stopping by! <3
@Emily: Haha, moo juice! That’s great! Thanks! Om nom nom! <3
@Suko: Thank you! =) It was just my evil plot to subliminally advertise Very Vanilla Soymilk at you guys!
@Kelly: Hi, you’re welcome! Thank you – I’m partial to my blog name too (although I might be biased!).
@AnimeGirl: Whooa whoa whoa, Orange Juice Flavored Soy Milk?! That sounds disgusting, but I want to try it now, haha! I’ll let you know what I think when I try it!
@Anna: Oh? You definitely have to try Very Vanilla! The VERY vanilla flavor is designed for kids so they’ll enjoy drinking it while reaping the calcium benefits. :) I actually discovered it from my ex-boyfriend’s nephew who was lactose intolerant, but hated milk, so they bought him this and I used to steal drinks from the carton all the time! xD
@Karen: Oh definitely do try it! I recommend! <3 I’m afraid of spills, too. I have two buttons that I took off my laptop because I spilled mountain dew and they got too sticky. =(
@Pris: Hi Pris! Thanks for stopping by! :)
@Natalie: Thanks for stopping by, as well! =)
@Allison: Thank you! I looovelovelove Tamora Pierce!
@Izzy: Thank you! :D My friend made it for me! Cherry soda is delish!
@Kate: Thank you! =)
@Steph: Thanks for stopping by!
@Mari: Thank you as well! I’ve never actually had rice milk, surprisingly! =P
@Danya: Thanks for the follow and the compliment! It was so bad, I’d pick the book up and try to read, then realize the words were upside down! It was bizarre. xD They probably did that on purpose, haha!
@It’s a Book Thing: Thank you!
@Avid Book Reader: LOL!!! I have to agree! I’ll take Kahlua in silk any day! =P
@Jennifer: Aw yay, I know! =) I love yours as well! =) You should definitely try it! I was totally averse to the idea of soy milk before, but then I tried it and I’ve been hooked ever since!
@Mariam: Thanks! And oh gosh, I know. I try getting through the hop linky list but it’s GINORMOUS. I can barely scratch 50 off the list!
Thanks for stopping by today. I love very vanilla soy milk too. And yes, just red zin for me now.
And I love that you love Moulin Rouge. I love that movie!!!
I don't think i can live without caffeine
Hopping by and following! ;)
Come to see Murphy's Library
Hi! Visiting and following from the hop!! :)
thanks for stopping by my blog I'm following you :)
thanks for coming by and saying hi over at our stop - just added you!
Hey Kristina! I actually really like vanilla soymilk! I don't drink it often, but my mother went on a health kick a few years ago, and we ended up drinking a lot of it!
Thanks for stopping by! :)
Thank you for dropping by my blog, I have never had soymilk, i really don't care for milk at all. Thank you for the follow, I am now following you back, have an awesome weekend! WV Stitcher
Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog! :) I've returned the follow.
That is so funny with your Very Vanilla Soymilk. I've never even heard of that xD You should try writing without it and post what happens...that would be quite interesting. ;)
I've never tried soy milk of any flavor. Happy weekend. I don't drink while reading or blogging.
I've never had soymilk before, but I hear it is very good. Quite a unique answer. I stay away from liquids while reading e-books on my computer. I am way too clumsy to take a chance like that! Have a great weekend.
oh thanx for following! I appreciate it and thanx for stopping by I am following in return to show the love!! Obviously lol
Thanks for stopping by! I'm an old follower around here.
Wow! So you're a soymilk person! :) I hope you're having a great weekend.
My Hop/FF
Thanks for stopping by at Murphy's Library :)
I'm a Diet Coke addicted, but I also like ice tea. Don't like hot tea though--kinda crazy LOL
I'm following you now. Hope you're having a great weekend!
Hi, I just hopped on over! Thanks for your comment over at Bewitched Bookworms!! Have a great weekend!
Hopping by to say have a great Sunday!
New Follower :)
Hopping by! Soy milk is not my thing - I'm a soda girl :)
Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Soy milk huh? Interesting. I probably just write my reviews over many cups of tea. They tend to take ages lol
I'm a new follower. Have a great day :)
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