What is BlogFest?
BlogFest is a massive carnival of giveaways with a great collection of participating blogs. Each blog has a giveaway and the idea is to hop from blog to blog, entering all the giveaways your little heart desires. Hopefully you might even come across a few blogs you might want to bookmark and continue visiting.
How do I enter to win?
Each blog has their own giveaway and their own rules. The giveaways will start at midnight EST on the morning of September 10th and run through 11:59pm on the night of the 12th. That's a whole 72 hours that you get to visit as many blogs as you want and enter their amazing giveaways.
What is this Tracking Site?
This is a site designed by me and developed by my live-in IT guru at http://www.ajourneyofbooks.com/blogfest. You simply need to register with a valid email (more about why it needs to be valid in a moment) and then start tracking your progress. You can click through to blogs from this site and once you've visited a site, you can come back and check off that you've visited the blog. Want to compete with your friends? When you register, click the option to make your list public and everyone will get to see how many blogs your display name has visited.
BlogFest 2010 is hosted by Cinnamon at A Journey Of Books. The BlogFest is running now through September 12th at 11:59pm EST! There's a HUGE list of participating blogs when you click on Cinnamon's Blog.
The tracking site is an excellent way to chart your progress through the list of blogs -- I know I would have forgotten where I was in the list if I didn't have that list. If you have any problems, just e-mail Cinnamon. I had a bunch of problems and she was so helpful, and she responded really fast. <3
So... This is why I've been M.I.A since Friday, haha. I had planned to get out 3 reviews and a Blog Hop, but that never happened because I had just remembered BlogFest was this weekend through various tweets. I sluggishly went through that ENTIRE list, and let me tell you: I'm ready to drop. I feel like a grandma. Man, my fingers and shoulders are going to fall off! :P The sad part? I only did bare minimum.
Anyway, I hope you all go on over and check it out! I know I posted this late so most of you have probably gone through at least some of the list, but it's better to be safe and spread the word than say nothing at all! :P